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In La Pampa, from 25 cases of dengue, 23 are native and 2 imported

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La Pampa Epidemiology Dengue
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In the province of La Pampa, from the beginning of the year 2025 to the closing of the epidemiological week nine, 25 cases of dengue, 23 native (do not present a trip background) and 2 imported (presented a history of travel to places with viral circulation) were confirmed


  • General Pico: 24 cases, 23 of them native and one imported

  • Santa Rosa: 1 imported case

Suspicious cases

The Dirección Provincial de Epidemiología announced that they are working in the epidemiological research of the notified cases that remain in study pending the results. However, blocking actions were performed on suspicion of positive cases.

Authorities of the Ministerio de Salud reiterated that the dynamic epidemiological situation developed in the province and in the country, requires the population’s commitment to eliminate domiciliary hatcheries (real and potential) of the mosquito, since it is the measure that will make it possible to control the vector and thus cut the transmission of the disease.

Preventive measures

From the Ministry, the community was requested to extreme prevention measures and, to prevent the mosquito life cycle from completing, they recommended:

  • Discard objects that are outdoors and in which water can accumulate (cans, bottles, tires, toys, etc.)

  • Keep covered the containers that are not in use, among others: buckets, bottles & pots.

  • Clean drinking fountains and periodically renew water for pets

  • Clean drain gutters that accumulate leaves and dirt to allow water runoff and avoid accumulation.

  • Cut the grass or grasslands, and keep backyards free from weeds.

  • Cover tanks, barrels that accumulate water; even use mosquitoes nets to cover them

  • Place metal fabrics on doors and windows.

  • Keep empty air conditioning or rain drain collectors.

  • Use repellent on exposed skin, renewing it as indicated on the product. In girls and boys the repellent product application must be in charge of adults

  • Use clothes (preferably light colors) that covers the maximum of your body.

  • To stay, choose places with mosquito nets. Place tules in cribs and baby strollers.

  • Use repellent tablets in the rooms.

  • If you have symptoms of high fever, discomfort, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, skin rash, you should immediately consult in the nearest health center, avoiding self-medication.

  • The Province of La Pampa government announced that the update of the situation linked to dengue cases will be informed, every week, through the Provincial News Agency (APN).

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