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16 mins·
Shortcodes Mermaid Icon Lead Docs
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Documentation - This article is part of a series.
Part 8: This Article

In addition to all the default Hugo shortcodes, Blowfish adds a few extras for additional functionality.


alert outputs its contents as a stylised message box within your article. It’s useful for drawing attention to important information that you don’t want the reader to miss.

Parameter Description
icon Optional. the icon to display on the left side.
Default: triangle-exclamation (Check out the icon shortcode for more details on using icons.)
iconColor Optional. the color for the icon in basic CSS style.
Can be either hex values (#FFFFFF) or color names (white)
By default chosen based on the current color theme .
cardColor Optional. the color for the card background in basic CSS style.
Can be either hex values (#FFFFFF) or color names (white)
By default chosen based on the current color theme .
textColor Optional. the color for the text in basic CSS style.
Can be either hex values (#FFFFFF) or color names (white)
By default chosen based on the current color theme .

The input is written in Markdown so you can format it however you please.

Example 1: No params

{{< alert >}}
**Warning!** This action is destructive!
{{< /alert >}}
Warning! This action is destructive!

Example 2: Unnamed param

{{< alert "twitter" >}}
Don't forget to [follow me]( on Twitter.
{{< /alert >}}
Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter.

Example 3: Named params

{{< alert icon="fire" cardColor="#e63946" iconColor="#1d3557" textColor="#f1faee" >}}
This is an error!
{{< /alert >}}
This is an error!


Article will embed a single article into a markdown file. The link to the file should be the .RelPermalink of the file to be embedded. Note that the shortcode will not display anything if it’s referencing it’s parent. Note: if you are running your website in a subfolder like Blowfish (i.e. /blowfish/) please include that path in the link.

Parameter Description
link Required. the .RelPermalink to the target article.


{{< article link="/docs/welcome/" >}}
Welcome to Blowfish
3 mins
New Docs


badge outputs a styled badge component which is useful for displaying metadata.


{{< badge >}}
New article!
{{< /badge >}}
New article!


button outputs a styled button component which can be used to highlight a primary action. It has three optional variables href, target and rel which can be used to specify the URL, target and relation of the link.


{{< button href="#button" target="_self" >}}
Call to action
{{< /button >}}
Call to action

Carousel #

carousel is used to showcase multiple images in an interactive and visually appealing way. This allows a user to slide through multiple images while only taking up the vertical space of a single one. All images are displayed using the full width of the parent component and using one of the predefined aspect ratios of 16:9, 21:9 or 32:9.

Parameter Description
images Required. A regex string to match image names or URLs.
aspectRatio Optional. The aspect ratio for the carousel. Either 16-9, 21-9 or 32-9. It is set to 16-9 by default.
interval Optional. The interval for the auto-scrooling, specified in milliseconds. Defaults to 2000 (2s)

Example 1: 16:9 aspect ratio and verbose list of images

{{< carousel images="{, gallery/03.jpg, gallery/01.jpg, gallery/02.jpg, gallery/04.jpg}" >}}

Example 2: 21:9 aspect ratio and regex-ed list of images

{{< carousel images="gallery/*" aspectRatio="21-9" interval="2500" >}}


chart uses the Chart.js library to embed charts into articles using simple structured data. It supports a number of different chart styles and everything can be configured from within the shortcode. Simply provide the chart parameters between the shortcode tags and Chart.js will do the rest.

Refer to the official Chart.js docs for details on syntax and supported chart types.


{{< chart >}}
type: 'bar',
data: {
  labels: ['Tomato', 'Blueberry', 'Banana', 'Lime', 'Orange'],
  datasets: [{
    label: '# of votes',
    data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 3],
{{< /chart >}}

You can see some additional Chart.js examples on the charts samples page.

Code Importer

This shortcode is for importing code from external sources easily without copying and pasting.

Parameter Description
url Required URL to an externally hosted code file.
type Code type used for syntax highlighting.
startLine Optional The line number to start the import from.
endLine Optional The line number to end the import at.


{{< codeimporter url="" type="go" >}}
{{ $url := .Get "url"}}
{{ with resources.GetRemote (urls.Parse $url) }}
{{ .Content | markdownify }}
{{ else }}
{{ errorf "Mardown Importer Shortcode - Unable to get remote resource" . }}
{{ end }}
{{< codeimporter url="" type="toml" startLine="11" endLine="18" >}}
enableRobotsTXT = true
summaryLength = 0

buildDrafts = false
buildFuture = false

enableEmoji = true

Codeberg Card

codeberg allows you to quickly link a Codeberg repository via the Codeberg API, providing real-time updates on stats such as stars and forks.

Parameter Description
repo [String] codeberg repo in the format of username/repo

Example 1:

{{< codeberg repo="forgejo/forgejo" >}}

Beyond coding. We forge.



Blowfish includes a figure shortcode for adding images to content. The shortcode replaces the base Hugo functionality in order to provide additional performance benefits.

When a provided image is a page resource, it will be optimised using Hugo Pipes and scaled in order to provide images appropriate to different device resolutions. If a static asset or URL to an external image is provided, it will be included as-is without any image processing by Hugo.

The figure shortcode accepts six parameters:

Parameter Description
src Required. The local path/filename or URL of the image. When providing a path and filename, the theme will attempt to locate the image using the following lookup order: Firstly, as a page resource bundled with the page; then an asset in the assets/ directory; then finally, a static image in the static/ directory.
alt Alternative text description for the image.
caption Markdown for the image caption, which will be displayed below the image.
class Additional CSS classes to apply to the image.
href URL that the image should be linked to.
target The target attribute for the href URL.
nozoom nozoom=true disables the image “zoom” functionality. This is most useful in combination with a href link.
default Special parameter to revert to default Hugo figure behaviour. Simply provide default=true and then use normal Hugo shortcode syntax.

Blowfish also supports automatic conversion of images included using standard Markdown syntax. Simply use the following format and the theme will handle the rest:

![Alt text](image.jpg "Image caption")


{{< figure
    alt="Abstract purple artwork"
    caption="Photo by [Jr Korpa]( on [Unsplash]("

<!-- OR -->

![Abstract purple artwork](abstract.jpg "Photo by [Jr Korpa]( on [Unsplash](")
Abstract purple artwork
Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Forgejo Card

forgejo allows you to quickly link a Forgejo repository via the forgejo API, providing real-time updates on stats such as stars and forks.

Parameter Description
repo [String] forgejo repo in the format of username/repo
server [String] server URL like

Example 1:

{{< forgejo server="" repo="forgejo/forgejo" >}}

Beyond coding. We forge.


Gallery #

gallery allows you to showcase multiple images at once, in a responsive manner with more varied and interesting layouts.

In order to add images to the gallery, use img tags for each image and add class="grid-wXX" in order for the gallery to be able to identify the column width for each image. The widths available by default start at 10% and go all the way to 100% in 5% increments. For example, to set the width to 65%, set the class to grid-w65. Additionally, widths for 33% and 66% are also available in order to build galleries with 3 cols. You can also leverage tailwind’s responsive indicators to have a reponsive grid.

Example 1: normal gallery

{{< gallery >}}
  <img src="gallery/01.jpg" class="grid-w33" />
  <img src="gallery/02.jpg" class="grid-w33" />
  <img src="gallery/03.jpg" class="grid-w33" />
  <img src="gallery/04.jpg" class="grid-w33" />
  <img src="gallery/05.jpg" class="grid-w33" />
  <img src="gallery/06.jpg" class="grid-w33" />
  <img src="gallery/07.jpg" class="grid-w33" />
{{< /gallery >}}

Example 2: responsive gallery

{{< gallery >}}
  <img src="gallery/01.jpg" class="grid-w50 md:grid-w33 xl:grid-w25" />
  <img src="gallery/02.jpg" class="grid-w50 md:grid-w33 xl:grid-w25" />
  <img src="gallery/03.jpg" class="grid-w50 md:grid-w33 xl:grid-w25" />
  <img src="gallery/04.jpg" class="grid-w50 md:grid-w33 xl:grid-w25" />
  <img src="gallery/05.jpg" class="grid-w50 md:grid-w33 xl:grid-w25" />
  <img src="gallery/06.jpg" class="grid-w50 md:grid-w33 xl:grid-w25" />
  <img src="gallery/07.jpg" class="grid-w50 md:grid-w33 xl:grid-w25" />
{{< /gallery >}}

Gitea Card

gitea allows you to quickly link a Gitea repository via the gitea API, providing real-time updates on stats such as stars and forks.

Parameter Description
repo [String] gitea repo in the format of username/repo
server [String] server URL like

Example 1:

{{< gitea server="" repo="FSFE/fsfe-website" >}}

GitHub Card

github allows you to quickly link a github repository, all while showing and updating in realtime stats about it, such as the number of stars and forks it has.

Parameter Description
repo [String] github repo in the format of username/repo

Example 1:

{{< github repo="nunocoracao/blowfish" >}}

Personal Website & Blog Theme for Hugo


GitLab Card

gitlab allows you to quickly link a GitLab Project (GitLab’s jargon for repo). It displays realtime stats about it, such as the number of stars and forks it has. Unlike github it can’t display the main programming language of a project. Finally, custom GitLab instance URL can be provided, as long as the api/v4/projects/ endpoint is available, making this shortcode compatible with most self-hosted / enterprise deployments.

Parameter Description
projectID [String] gitlab numeric ProjectID
baseURL [String] optional gitlab instance URL, default is

Example 1:

{{< gitlab projectID="278964" >}} / GitLab

GitLab is an open source end-to-end software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, CI/CD, and more. Self-host GitLab on your own servers, in a container, or on a cloud provider.



icon outputs an SVG icon and takes the icon name as its only parameter. The icon is scaled to match the current text size.


{{< icon "github" >}}


Icons are populated using Hugo pipelines which makes them very flexible. Blowfish includes a number of built-in icons for social, links and other purposes. Check the icon samples page for a full list of supported icons.

Custom icons can be added by providing your own icon assets in the assets/icons/ directory of your project. The icon can then be referenced in the shortcode by using the SVG filename without the .svg extension.

Icons can also be used in partials by calling the icon partial.


The katex shortcode can be used to add mathematical expressions to article content using the KaTeX package. Refer to the online reference of supported TeX functions for the available syntax.

To include mathematical expressions in an article, simply place the shortcode anywhere with the content. It only needs to be included once per article and KaTeX will automatically render any markup on that page. Both inline and block notation are supported.

Inline notation can be generated by wrapping the expression in \\( and \\) delimiters. Alternatively, block notation can be generated using $$ delimiters.


{{< katex >}}
\\(f(a,b,c) = (a^2+b^2+c^2)^3\\)

\(f(a,b,c) = (a^2+b^2+c^2)^3\)

Check out the mathematical notation samples page for more examples.


The keyword component can be used to visually highlight certain important words or phrases, e.g. professional skills etc. The keywordList shortcode can be used to group together multiple keyword items. Each item can have the following properties.

Parameter Description
icon Optional icon to be used in the keyword

The input is written in Markdown so you can format it however you please.

Example1 :

{{< keyword >}} *Super* skill {{< /keyword >}}
Super skill

Example2 :

{{< keywordList >}}
{{< keyword icon="github" >}} Lorem ipsum dolor. {{< /keyword >}}
{{< keyword icon="code" >}} **Important** skill {{< /keyword >}}
{{< /keywordList >}}

{{< keyword >}} *Standalone* skill {{< /keyword >}}

Lorem ipsum dolor
Important skill
Standalone skill


lead is used to bring emphasis to the start of an article. It can be used to style an introduction, or to call out an important piece of information. Simply wrap any Markdown content in the lead shortcode.


{{< lead >}}
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
{{< /lead >}}
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.


List will display a list of recent articles. This shortcode requires a limit value to constraint the list. Additionally, it supports a where and a value in order to filter articles by their parameters. Note that this shortcode will not display its parent page but it will count for the limit value.

Parameter Description
limit Required. the number of recent articles to display.
title Optional title for the list, default is Recent
cardView Optional card view enabled for the list, default is false
where The variable to be used for the query of articles e.g. Type
value The value that will need to match the parameter defined in where for the query of articles e.g. for where == Type a valid value could be sample
The where and value values are used in the following query where .Site.RegularPages $where $value in the code of the shortcode. Check Hugo docs to learn more about which parameters are available to use.

Example #1:

{{< list limit=2 >}}

Personal Site Theme Author
Welcome to Blowfish
3 mins
New Docs

Example #2:

{{< list title="Samples" cardView=true limit=6 where="Type" value="sample" >}}


Multiple Authors
·1 min
Authors Sample
·1 min
Thumbnail Sample
·1 min
Icons Sample Shortcodes
·3 mins
Markdown Css Html Sample
Rich Content
·1 min
Shortcodes Privacy Sample Gist Twitter Youtube Vimeo
Placeholder Text
··2 mins
Markdown Text Sample Latin


ltr and rtl allows you to mix your contents. Many RTL language users want to include parts of the content in LTR. Using this shortcode will let you do so, and by leveraging % as the outer-most dilemeter in the shortcode Hugo shortcodes, any markdown inside will be rendered normally.


- This is an markdown list.
- Its per default a LTR direction
{{% rtl %}}
- هذه القائمة باللغة العربية
- من اليمين الى اليسار
{{% /rtl %}}
  • This is an markdown list.
  • Its per default a LTR direction
  • هذه القائمة باللغة العربية
  • من اليمين الى اليسار

Markdown Importer

This shortcode allows you to import markdown files from external sources. This is useful for including content from other repositories or websites without having to copy and paste the content.

Parameter Description
url Required URL to an externally hosted markdown file.


{{< mdimporter url="" >}}

Hi there 👋

Twitter badge
Twitter badge

Nuno&rsquo;s GitHub stats


mermaid allows you to draw detailed diagrams and visualisations using text. It uses Mermaid under the hood and supports a wide variety of diagrams, charts and other output formats.

Simply write your Mermaid syntax within the mermaid shortcode and let the plugin do the rest.

Refer to the official Mermaid docs for details on syntax and supported diagram types.


{{< mermaid >}}
graph LR;
{{< /mermaid >}}
graph LR; A[Lemons]-->B[Lemonade]; B-->C[Profit]

You can see some additional Mermaid examples on the diagrams and flowcharts samples page.


swatches outputs a set of up to three different colors to showcase color elements like a color palette. This shortcode takes the HEX codes of each color and creates the visual elements for each.


{{< swatches "#64748b" "#3b82f6" "#06b6d4" >}}



The timeline creates a visual timeline that can be used in different use-cases, e.g. professional experience, a project’s achievements, etc. The timeline shortcode relies on the timelineItem sub-shortcode to define each item within the main timeline. Each item can have the following properties.

Parameter Description
icon the icon to be used in the timeline visuals.
header header for each entry
badge text to place within the top right badge
subheader entry’s subheader


{{< timeline >}}

{{< timelineItem icon="github" header="header" badge="badge test" subheader="subheader" >}}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus non magna ex. Donec sollicitudin ut lorem quis lobortis. Nam ac ipsum libero. Sed a ex eget ipsum tincidunt venenatis quis sed nisl. Pellentesque sed urna vel odio consequat tincidunt id ut purus. Nam sollicitudin est sed dui interdum rhoncus. 
{{< /timelineItem >}}

{{< timelineItem icon="code" header="Another Awesome Header" badge="date - present" subheader="Awesome Subheader" >}}
With html code
{{< /timelineItem >}}

{{< timelineItem icon="star" header="Shortcodes" badge="AWESOME" >}}
With other shortcodes
{{< gallery >}}
  <img src="gallery/01.jpg" class="grid-w33" />
  <img src="gallery/02.jpg" class="grid-w33" />
  <img src="gallery/03.jpg" class="grid-w33" />
  <img src="gallery/04.jpg" class="grid-w33" />
  <img src="gallery/05.jpg" class="grid-w33" />
  <img src="gallery/06.jpg" class="grid-w33" />
  <img src="gallery/07.jpg" class="grid-w33" />
{{< /gallery >}}
{{< /timelineItem >}}

{{< timelineItem icon="code" header="Another Awesome Header">}}
{{< github repo="nunocoracao/blowfish" >}}
{{< /timelineItem >}}

{{< /timeline >}}
  1. header

    badge test


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus non magna ex. Donec sollicitudin ut lorem quis lobortis. Nam ac ipsum libero. Sed a ex eget ipsum tincidunt venenatis quis sed nisl. Pellentesque sed urna vel odio consequat tincidunt id ut purus. Nam sollicitudin est sed dui interdum rhoncus.
  2. Another Awesome Header

    date - present

    Awesome Subheader

    With html code
    • Coffee
    • Tea
    • Milk
  3. Shortcodes


    With other shortcodes


TypeIt is the most versatile JavaScript tool for creating typewriter effects on the planet. With a straightforward configuration, it allows you to type single or multiple strings that break lines, delete & replace each other, and it even handles strings that contain complex HTML.

Blowfish implements a sub-set of TypeIt features using a shortcode. Write your text within the typeit shortcode and use the following parameters to configure the behavior you want.

Parameter Description
tag [String] html tag that will be used to render the strings.
classList [String] List of css classes to apply to the html element.
initialString [String] Initial string that will appear written and will be replaced.
speed [number] Typing speed, measured in milliseconds between each step.
lifeLike [boolean] Makes the typing pace irregular, as if a real person is doing it.
startDelay [number] The amount of time before the plugin begins typing after being initialized.
breakLines [boolean] Whether multiple strings are printed on top of each other (true), or if they’re deleted and replaced by each other (false).
waitUntilVisible [boolean] Determines if the instance will begin when loaded or only when the target element becomes visible in the viewport. The default is true
loop [boolean] Whether your strings will continuously loop after completing

Example 1:

{{< typeit >}}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 
{{< /typeit >}}

Example 2:

{{< typeit 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, 
consectetur adipiscing elit. 
{{< /typeit >}}

Example 3:

{{< typeit 
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." Gone with the Wind (1939)
"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." The Godfather (1972)
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." The Wizard of Oz (1939)
{{< /typeit >}}

Youtube Lite

A shortcut to embed youtube videos using the lite-youtube-embed library. This library is a lightweight alternative to the standard youtube embeds, and it’s designed to be faster and more efficient.

Parameter Description
id [String] Youtube video id to embed.
label [String] Label for the video
params [String] Extras parameters for video playing

Example 1:

{{< youtubeLite id="SgXhGb-7QbU" label="Blowfish-tools demo" >}}

Example 2:

You can use all of Youtube’s player parameters for the params variable, as demonstrated below:

This video will start after 130 seconds (2m10)

{{< youtubeLite id="SgXhGb-7QbU" label="Blowfish-tools demo" params="start=130" >}}

This video will not have UI controls, will start playing at 130 seconds and will stop 10 seconds later.

To concatenate multiple options as shown below, you need to add the & character between them.

{{< youtubeLite id="SgXhGb-7QbU" label="Blowfish-tools demo" params="start=130&end=10&controls=0" >}}

More informations can be found on the youtubeLite GitHub repo and Youtube’s player parameters page.

Documentation - This article is part of a series.
Part 8: This Article


5 mins
Partials Analytics Privacy Comments Favicons Icon Docs
Diagrams and Flowcharts
·2 mins
Mermaid Sample Diagram Shortcodes
19 mins
Config Docs
Advanced Customisation
9 mins
Advanced Css Docs
Front Matter
4 mins
Front Matter Config Docs
Getting Started
7 mins
Installation Docs