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Developing more persistent and nutritious native pastures to optimize yields in bovine meat production
·5 mins
Conicet Native Pastures Foraging Species Bovine Meat Production IBONE Cattle
Child ADHD risk linked to mother’s use of acetaminophen
·4 mins
Acetaminophen ADHD Autism Disorder Attention-Deficit Disorder
NASA Acquires GPS Signals on Moon
·7 mins
Blue Ghost Riders in the Sky NASA ESI Firefly Aerospace Moon Artemis
Complex atmosphere of starless super-Jupiter exposed by Webb
·8 mins
Exo-Meteorology Space Telescope James Webb SIMP 0136 Atmospheres Milky Way Alien Rainbows Astronomy
In La Pampa, from 25 cases of dengue, 23 are native and 2 imported
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La Pampa Epidemiology Dengue
Hubble Captures New View of Veil Nebula
·1 min
Veil Nebula Hubble Space Telescope Astrophysics
Key contribution from INTI in the measurement process of a large oil tank
·3 mins
INTI Oil Tank Measurements Puerto Rosales Punta Alta OTAMERICA
Installed network of weather stations in strategic areas of Cerro Aconcagua
·4 mins
Climatology Water Resources Aconcagua Nivology Glaciology Environmental Sciences
Researchers test possible health effects on medical, cosmetics and personal hygiene products
·4 mins
Biological Sciences Health Sciences Conicet Agrochemicals Fertility
Humans inherited our flexible joints from the earliest jawed fish
·6 mins
Soccer Players Risk Heat Stress in 2026 World Cup Stadiums
·7 mins
Climate CHange Global Warming Sports Soccer 2026 FIFA World Cup
Almost 60% of citrus yield on Argentina depends on pollination.
·2 mins
Pollinators Crops Honeybees Bumblebees INTA Conicet Argentina
Additional Observations Continue to Reduce Chance of Asteroid Impact in 2032
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Asteroid 2024 YR4 Asteroid Impact in 2032 NASA NEO Neo Surveyor
UK peatland fires are supercharging carbon emissions as climate change causes hotter, drier summers
·5 mins
Wildfires Fire Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Soil Carbon Carbon Emissions Climate Change Mitigation Peat Seasonal Changes Climate Data Temperate Zones Soil Moisture Land Management
In Salta, INTA Yuto studies the cultivation of moringa as an alternative for the region
·8 mins
Moringa INTA Yuto Salta Moringa Oleifera Medicinal Uses
Study reveals palm trees once thrived in subarctic Canada
·3 mins
Paleoclimatology Arctic Ecosystems Environmental Methods Plant Fossils Eocene Epoch Cenozoic Era Geologic Periods Giraffe Pipe Kimberlite Maar Phytoliths Stegmata
From climate change and economy to particle accelerators
·3 mins
Climate CHange Chemical Processes Theoretical Physics Nuclear Physics Atomic Theory Particle Theory Climate Modeling Stars
What makes us remember our dreams?
·4 mins
Dreams Sleep Dream Recall Psychology
Some stars are born of fluffy clouds
·5 mins
Space Sciences Galaxy Formation Magellanic Clouds Early Universe Milky Way Astronomy Cosmology Planetary Science Astrophysics Celestial Bodies Galaxies
Unlocking the future of satellite navigation with smart techniques
·3 mins
Orbits Satellites Low Earth Orbit Satellites Aerospace
Land turtles and yellow cardinals released
·4 mins
Land Tortoise Yellow Cardinal Pets Species in Extinction La Pampa Pet Keeping
First 3D observations of an exoplanet’s atmosphere reveal a unique climate
·9 mins
WASP-121b Tylos Puppis Exoplanets ESO Constellation Puppis
Developing high-performance rechargeable lithium-hydrogen gas batteries
·3 mins
Rechargeable Batteries Lithium-Hydrogen Gas Batteries Hydrogen Energy
The Biology of Face and Head Formation
·7 mins
Faces Craniofacial Disorders Heads Biology Birth Defects Cleft Lip Palate Craniosynostosis
Animals as architects of the earth: first global study reveals their surprising impact
·3 mins
Geomorfology Animal Research Environmental Methods Endemic Species Wetlands Ecological Processes Biodiversity Conservation Geography
Liquid biopsies may change the way we find and treat cancer
·11 mins
Cancer Liquid Biopsies Signs of Cancer Genoma Circulating Tumor DNA Copy Number Alteration
Dessert stomach emerges in the brain
·5 mins
Sugars Human Brain Opioid Receptors Neural Pathways Metabolic Networks Signaling Networks Obesity Foods
A Pair of Hearts, from space, in Valentine’s day
·3 mins
Lake Saint Clair Valentine’s Day Salinas Las Barrancas Landsat OLI-2 Astronauts International Space Station As Two Hearts
Discovering topological structures in water
·8 mins
Topology Topological Structure Topological Physics Mathematics Physics
Illinois research team to receive $5M to reduce synthetic nitrogen fertilizer in corn production
·2 mins
Fertilizers NSave Nitrogen Research Funding Greenhouse Gases Sustainable Agriculture Crop Production
From microplastics to macro-impact: KTU expert explains plastic recycling challenges
·5 mins
Recycling Environmental Management Environmental Issues Environmental Education Environmental Policies Microplastics
Evidence of cannibalism 18,000 years ago
·3 mins
Cannibalism Social Research Ice Ages Caves Cultural Evolution Paleoecology Prehistory Stone Tools Skull Anthropology Archeology Human Remains PaleoAnthropology Paleopathology
Are potential environmental effects of mining the world’s largest lithium deposit?
·6 mins
Lithium Salar De Uyuni Duke University Environment Sustainability
Euclid discovers a stunning Einstein ring
·5 mins
Cosmology Dark Matter Universe Dark Energy Observational Astronomy Observational Astrophysics Galaxies Space Telescope Euclid
Christiane Dosne de Pasqualini: Pioneer of Argentine Science and research in experimental cancer and immunology
·5 mins
Science Leukemia Cancer Immunology Christiane Dosne
What’s the deal with microplastics, the material that ‘never goes away’?
·11 mins
Microplastics Medicine Cellular and Molecular Biology Environment and Sustainability Epidemiology and Population Health Ethics Global Health Health Equity Health Policy Innovation and Technology Preventive Medicine
Hidden images in Jackson Pollock paintings diagnosed
·3 mins
Bipolar Disorders Visual Arts Psychiatry Depression Hallucinations
Whale song has remarkable similarities to human speech in terms of efficiency
·3 mins
Evolutionary Biology Ecology Human Language Whale Songs Efficiency
One in four chance per year that rocket junk will enter busy airspace
·6 mins
Rockets Space Flight Aircraft Air Traffic Aviation Transportation Space Research Astrophysics Astronautics Space Technology Launch Systems Airports
Climate change is overhauling marine nutrient cycles, UC Irvine scientists say
·4 mins
Climate CHange Oceans
Can aliens detect Earth?
·4 mins
Planet Earth Atmosphere Habitable Planets Radio Signals Habitable Zones SETI Institute Astronomy Solar System Technosignatures
Blue Origin Completes 29th New Shepard Mission, Successfully Simulates Lunar Gravity
·5 mins
Blue Origin New Shepard Lunar Gravity Tests NASA JPL
Unleashing the immune system
·14 mins
Immunotheraphy Cell Therapies Biology B-Cell Lymphoma CAR-T Cell Therapies
The ‘plant’ doctor will see you now
·7 mins
Plants CABI Ecology Plant Clinics Pest Management
En Route to Jupiter, NASA’s Europa Clipper Captures Images of Stars
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NASA Jupiter Europa Clipper Europa Planetary Science Constellation Corvus
NASA’s InSight Finds Marsquakes From Meteoroids Go Deeper Than Expected
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Cerberus Fossae InSight Mars Marsquakes HiRISE
How Spotify shapes our music listening habits with playlists
·3 mins
Streaming Algorithms Spotify Music Playlists
A new approach to detecting Alzheimer’s disease
·4 mins
Experimental Study Alzheimer Disease Brain Respiratory Disorders Blood Vessels Cerebrovascular Disorders Computational Physics Cognitive Disorders Physiology Nonlinear Oscillations
Ancient agricultural strategies revealed: how pre-industrial communities adapted to climate changes
·3 mins
Climate Change Adaptation Prehistory Ice Ages Archaeobotany Bread Wheat Millet Buckwheat Fagopyrum Esculentum
Mirvie RNA Platform First to Uncover Unique Molecular Signal for Babies at Risk of Severe Fetal Growth Restriction
·5 mins
Pregnancy Complications RNA Risk Factors Preventive Medicine Prenatal Care Fetal Viability Personalized Medicine
Stories that turn climate anxiety into hope
·7 mins
Climate CHange Stories Kids Teenagers Nature Anxiety Ecology
Promoting cacao production without sacrificing biodiversity
·3 mins
Applied Ecology Cacao Production Crops Forests Environmental Economics Plant Ecology Insects Cacao Productivity Cacao Blanco De Piura
Do we need a big chill in cold-water immersion to boost our health?
·5 mins
Wellbeing Cold-Water Immersion Health Inflammation Sleep Muscles Meta-Analysis Immunity Physical Exercise Muscle Damage
New fungal species named in honour of Sir David Attenborough making zombies of cave spiders on the island of Ireland
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Cave Spiders Fungus Metellina Merianae Gibellula Attenboroughii Meta Menardi Ophiocordyceps Fungal Infections Caves
Unveiling the uncharted reaction pathways of carbon dioxide in supercritical water
·3 mins
Chemistry Discovery Research CO₂
Transforming watermelon genetics with advanced base editors
·4 mins
Watermelon Horticulture Genetics Gene-Editing Genetic Engineering
Research shows how music can reduce distress
·5 mins
Dementia Distress Music Therapy Health Cae Delivery Social Research Anxiety Physiological Stress Home Care Neural Mechanisms Musica
Chinese 'artificial sun' sets milestone record towards fusion power generation
·3 mins
Experimental Study Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak Artificial Sun Nuclear Fusion
Biomass-derived electrocatalysts: A leap towards sustainable energy conversion
·2 mins
Biomass-Derived Electrocatalysts Sustainable Energy Electrocatalysis Energy Conversion Innovations Renewable Catalyst Technologies Carbon-Based Electrocatalysts
Scientists develop new AI method to forecast cyclone rapid intensification
·3 mins
Earth Sciences Planetary Sciences Atmospheric Sciences Artificial Intelligence Oceanology Forecasting Cyclones Weather Forecasting
Acupuncture protects brain regions in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model by inhibiting apoptosis and reducing tau protein
·4 mins
Alzheimer Disease Acupuncture Mouse Models Scientific Publishing Cell Apoptosis Tau Proteins
Integrative proteogenomic and pharmacological landscape of acute myeloid leukaemia
·4 mins
Life Sciences Myeloid Leukaemia Drug Sensitivity Genomic Analyses Inhibitory Effects Pharmacological Inhibitors Chemical Analysis Stem Cell Research Stem Cell Therapy Drug Combinations
NTU Singapore’s TARIPH Centre leads multi-institution research program with first national research grant for lung health
·10 mins
Lungs Environmental Health Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Scientific Collaboration Drug Research
Chinese Academy of Sciences explores the application of intelligent imaging technology
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Medical Technology Magnetic Resonance Imaging Positron Emission Tomography Cardiac Imaging Neuroimaging Eye Diseases Cardiovascular Diseases Muscle Disease Neural Modelling Cardiology Ophthalmology
En Algarrobo del Águila producen abono orgánico a base de guano caprino
·1 min
Abonos Orgánicos Compost Guano Caprino Enmienda Orgánica Algarrobo Del Águila
Singapore joins Worldwide Scientific Network, GNOME, to unearth dark matter and exotic particles
·4 mins
Dark Matter GNOME Singapore Quantum Mechanics Astrophysics
Cal Poly student helps lead international -Under the Snakefluence- study to better understand global human-snake interactions
·4 mins
Reptiles Environmental Education Australia Animal Research Venom Snakes Snakefluence
Water as a waste management source: SEOULTECH researchers revolutionize catalytic plastic recycling
·3 mins
Pollution Environmental Methods Metal Recycling Water Environmental Issues Water Pollution Chemical Pollution Polyolefins Sustainability
New superconductor with hallmark of unconventional superconductivity discovered
·3 mins
Superconduction"" Nickel Iron Discovery Research Superconductors Magnets Unconventional Superconductivity
Snow leopard fossils clarify evolutionary history of species
·8 mins
Molecular Biology Snow Leopard Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Functional Morphology Paleobiology Paleontology Molecular Fossils Evolutionary Biology
Primordial naked singularities: Nature’s quantum gravity laboratories pervading the universe?
·4 mins
Big Bang Singularity Cosmology Quantum Fluctuations Dark Matter
Korean scientists develop new twindemic diagnostic system for rapid viral testing
·3 mins
Virus Testing Influenza Viruses Drug Delivery Systems Vaccine Development COVID-19 Gene Prediction Genetic Technology
Chinese Scientists Develop Research Platform for artificial sun
·2 mins
Linear Plasma Generator Hefei Institutes of Physical Science Chinese Academy of Sciences Artificial Sun SWORD Chixiao
How does the brain encode pain? Scientists uncover neuronal mechanisms of pain intensity encoding
·3 mins
Gamma-Band Oscillations Pain Parvalbumin-Positive Interneurons Primary Somatosensory Cortex Electrophysiological Recording Neuronal Encoding Calcium Imaging Optogenetics Life Sciences
Smarter memory: next-generation RAM with reduced energy consumption
·3 mins
Solid State Physics Heterostructures Magnetic Anisotropy Spintronics Computer Memory Electronics Applied Science Engineering
The promising finding about the Romero plant that opens doors to a technological link with the European Union
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Rosemary CopPrime Antioxidants Pathogens Salvia Rosmarinus Natural Compounds
Electric vehicle transition could create unwanted air pollution hotspots in China and India
·6 mins
Electric Vehicles Batteries Pollution Control India China Environmental Issues
The first example of cellular origami
·4 mins
Cellular Origami Biology Recreational Biology Origami BioEngineering
Frosty volcanoes discovered in Mars’s tropics
·5 mins
Mars ExoMars Mars Express ESA Water Volcanoes Ice Frost
Galaxies Actively Forming in Early Universe Caught Feeding on Cold Gas
·4 mins
Galaxies James Webb Space Telescope Cosmology
Vocation for Biology, with an emphasis on zooplankton
·9 mins
Oceans Day IIMYC CONICET-UNMDP Zooplankton Biología
Williams and Wilmore arrived at the station aboard Starliner
·2 mins
Starliner International Space Station Expedition 71 Astronauts Cosmonauts
Starliner on its way to the Space Station
·2 mins
Starliner International Space Station Suni Williams Butch Wilmore
Older adults with sleep apnea are more likely to hospitalization
·3 mins
Sleep Apnea Medical Care Services Older Adults Health Care
Growing threat of invasive exotic species
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Biodiversity Lost Biodiversity Invasive Species Human Health Ecosystems Climate CHange
‘Grey infrastructure’ can’t meet future water storage needs
·5 mins
Water Dams Water Storage
A promising approach to develop a birth control pill for men
·5 mins
Birth Control Kinase Inhibitors Stk33 Cdd-2807
New study on the Yaguareté DNA and other Ponterinos would confirm the hybridization capacity of these species
·3 mins
Conicet Yaguareté Biodiversity Ecosystems Ecology Genomic Evolution Pantherinae Predators
Yoga and meditation-induced altered states of consciousness are common in the general population
·4 mins
Yoga Meditation Mindfulness Public Health Breathwork Psychiatry Altered States of Consciousness
How plants mate for life and repel other suitors
·4 mins
Plants Plants Embryology Seed Pollination Pollen Tubes Guidance
Gimnasio: ¿Qué respiramos mientras ejercitamos?
·3 mins
Aerosols Organic Aerosols Gym Siloxane Cigarette Smoke Air Quality Sun Yele Pollutants
Shocking images of the ice cap of jovian moon Europe
·6 mins
Juno Europe Jupiter NASA
How Tungurahua Volcano Dropped Heavy Metals into Ecuador’s Food Supply
·5 mins
Tungurahua Volcano Vulcanism Heavy Metals Compost Crops Health
CONICET specialists identify a drug that could prevent the cardiac symptoms of Chagas disease
·5 mins
Chagas Chagas Disease Cardiac Disorders Fenofibrate Trypanosoma Cruzi Benznidazole
Cannibal Coronal Mass Ejection heading towards Earth
·3 mins
Cannibal Coronal Mass Ejection Sun Geomagnetic Storm Solar Storm Space Weather Stereo a & B SOHO
Geologists, biologists unearth the atomic fingerprints of cancer
·6 mins
Cancer Geology Geological Sciences Biochemistry Medicine
Aquaculture in the Tumbes River Delta
·2 mins
Shrimp Aquaculture Tumbes River Peru Mangroves Ecuador China
Giant galactic explosion exposes galaxy pollution in action
·3 mins
Galaxies MUSE MAUVE Star Formation NGC 4383
Interspecies competition led to even more forms of ancient human – defying evolutionary trends in vertebrates
·5 mins
Homo Hominins Competition Speciation Laura Van Holstein Human Evolution Biological Anthropology
Ice age climate analysis reduces worst-case warming expected from rising CO2
·5 mins
Climate CHange Paleoclimatology Climate Modeling Geophysics Climatology